Felicia Huppert
Further Publications
Scholarly Books
Roth, M., Huppert, F.A., Tym, E., and Mountjoy, C.Q. (1988) CAMDEX: The Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders of the Elderly, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Book Chapters
Huppert, F.A (2011) A new approach to reducing disorder and improving well-being. In Felicia A Huppert & P Alex Linley (Eds). Happiness and Well-being. Critical Concepts in Psychology. Vol.IV. (Part 16, Ch.62, pp. 682-690). Oxford: Routledge.
Johnson, D. & Huppert, F.A. (2011) Information communication technology as a means of enhancing the well-being of older people. In B. Gottfried & H. Aghajan (Eds.) Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation – BMI. Well-being. Vol.9 Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. (Part 1. Foundations of Well-being). Amsterdam, IOS Press.
Huppert, F.A. (2006) Positive emotions and cognition: developmental, neuroscience and health perspectives. In Joseph P. Forgas (Ed.) Affect in Social Thinking and Behavior (Ch.13, pp.235-252). Psychology Press, New York.
Huppert, F.A., Gardener, E. & McWilliams, B. (2006) Cognitive function. In J Banks, E Breeze, C Lessof & J Nazroo (Eds) Retirement, health and relationships of the older population in England: The 2004 English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (Wave 2) (Ch.8.) London, Institute for Fiscal Studies.
Huppert, F.A. (2005) Positive mental health: Individual and population flourishing. In FA Huppert, N Baylis & B Keverne (Eds.) The Science of Well-being (Ch12. pp.307-340). Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Huppert, F.A. (2004) A population approach to positive psychology: The potential for population interventions to promote well-being and prevent disorder. In PA Linley & S Joseph (Eds.) Positive Psychology in Practice. (pp. 693-709) John Wiley & Sons Inc. New Jersey.
Huppert, FA, Pinto, EM, Morgan, K, MRC CFAS and Brayne C. (2003) Immune measures which predict 9-year survival in an elderly population sample. In G Pawelec (Ed) Advances in Cell Aging and Gerontology, 13, (Basic Biology and Clinical Impact of Immunosenescence), (pp. 7-28), Elsevier.
Huppert, F.A. (2003) Designing for Older Users. In: J Clarkson, R Coleman, S Keates & C Lebbon (Eds) Inclusive Design: Design for the whole population. (pp. 30-49) Springer Verlag, London.
Steel, N., Huppert, F.A., McWilliams, B. and Melzer, D. (2003) Physical and cognitive function. In M Marmot, J Banks, R Blundell, C Lessof & J Nazroo (Eds) Health, wealth and lifestyles of the older population in England. The 2002 English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (pp. 249-300). London: Institute of Fiscal Studies.
Solomou, W, Ely, M, Brayne, C and Huppert F.A., (1999) The parent-child relationship in later-life: The longer term effects of parental divorce and remarriage. In A Bainham, S Day Sclater & MPM Richards (Eds) What is a Parent? (pp. 243-258), Hart Publishing, Oxford.
Brayne, C., Huppert, F.A., Xuereb, J.H., Gertz, H-J., Chi, L-Y., McGee, M.A., Paykel, E.S., Harrington, C., Mukaetova-Ladinska, E., O’Sullivan, A., Dening, T., Freer, C. and Wischik, C.M. (1997) An epidemiological study of the dementias in Cambridge: from clinical progression to neuropathology. In K Iqbal, B Winblad, T Nishimura, M Takeda & HM Wisniewski (Eds) Alzheimer’s Disease: Biology, Diagnosis and Therapeutics (Ch.2, pp 11-20) John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Huppert, F.A. (1994) Amnesia, aging and Alzheimer’s Disease. In L.S. Cermak (Ed) Neuropsychological Explorations of Memory and Cognition: Essays in Honor of Nelson Butters. (Ch. 7, pp 95-101) Plenum Press, New York.
Huppert, FA. (1994) Memory function in dementia and normal aging – dimension or dichotomy? In F.A. Huppert, C. Brayne and D.O’Connor (Eds) Dementia and Normal Aging. (Ch.15, pp 291- 330)Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Huppert, F.A. (1991) Age-related changes in memory: learning and remembering new information. In S Corkin, J Grafman & F. Boller (Eds) Handbook of Neuropsychology, Vol. 5: (Ch.7, pp 123-147) Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.
Huppert, F.A. and Beardsall, L. (1988) Revealing the concealed: Multiple measures of memory in dementia. In M.M. Grune¬berg, P.E. Morris and R.N. Sykes (Eds) Practical Aspects of Memory: Current Research & Issues. Vol.2: Clinical & Educa¬tional Implications, (pp. 34-39) John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Huppert, F.A. and Piercy, M (1981) In search of the functional locus of amnesic syndromes. Huppert, F.A. and Piercy, M. In L.S. Cermak (Ed), Memory and Amnesia. Erlbaum, New York.
Published Papers
Keohane, A., Huppert, F.A. and Hammond, C. (1983) Ageing, education, memory and Bingo. Proceedings of the Gerontological Society of America.
Huppert F.A. (1978) An analysis of memory in left and right cerebral hemispheres. Biology Annual Report No. 200, California Institute of Technology.